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1. Safe Use of Essential Oils

Essential oils are concentrated, active, plant extracts; thus care and responsibility must be taken with their use. On this page you will find recommended safety guidelines as well as precautions and contraindications.


The following are standard, recommended safety guidelines for using essential oils.

  1. Keep essential oils out of reach of children.
  2. Essential oils are intended for external use.
  3. Dilute essential oils in a carrier before they are applied to the skin.
  4. Test for sensitivities. Wash and dry an area on the inside of elbow. Apply the diluted oil, preferably cover and leave for 24 hours. If redness or irritation occurs apply a vegetable oil, then wash with soap and water.
  5. Avoid essential oil contact with eyes, mucous membranes, and other sensitive areas.
  6. Keep essential oils away from open flames.
  7. Dilute essential oils in a carrier before adding them to your bath. (Essential oils do not dilute in water due to their hydrophobic nature.)
  8. Keep a carrier oil readily available when using essential oils. In case of skin irritation, apply the carrier directly to the affected area. If no carrier is available, flush area with water for 15 minutes.
  9. Do not use essential oils rich in menthol, such as peppermint with children under 3 years of age.
  10. Overexposure or sensitivity to an essential oil through inhalation may result in nausea, headache, emotional unease or a “spacey” feeling. Getting some fresh air and drinking water will help to ease these symptoms.
  11. Store essential oils tightly closed in dark, glass bottles, away from heat and light.
  12. Use only pure essential oils from plants; Gas Chromatography (GC), Mass Spectrometry (MS) tested to insure quality.

This material is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician or other health care provider. Any attempt to diagnose or treat an illness should be done under the direction of a healthcare professional.

2. Essential Oil Quality

To ensure that we consistently provide our customers with the purest essential oils, Sika House works with an independent lab that utilizes all techniques available to test for purity and quality.

Gas Chromatography (GC), Gas Liquid with (GLC), Mass Spectrometry (MS):
  • GC or GLC: Gas Chromatography or Gas Liquid Chromatography is a measurement tool that is able to vaporize each molecule of the essential oil and quantify the percentage of the constituent present. It DOES NOT tell us what that constituent is. The percentage information is the area under the peak represented on a graph; while the peaks represent the individual constituent. (Individual constituents identified by MS testing).
  • MS: Mass Spectrometry determines the molecular mass of each molecule, identifying each constituent of the essential oil; each constituent being represented on the graph as a peak.

GC/GLC & MS Testing performed to ensure quality and purity:

  • Essential Oils are free of pesticides.
  • Essential Oils are free of synthetics.
  • Essential Oils are unadulterated.
  • Essential Oil chemical constituents are in the range necessary to be effective for intended use.

To preserve freshness and potency:

  • Store essential oils in glass containers.
  • Store essential oils in a dry, dark area that is kept at a constant cool temperature.
  • Tightly secure all caps to limit air exposure and minimize oxidation.

3. Have you ever had a recipe with the measurements listed in drops but needed to convert the recipe to milliliter or ounces?

This convenient conversion chart can help you to make your blend with ease.

Convenient Conversion Chart
Size Drops* Oz.
2.5 ml 50 .08
5 ml 100 .169
7.5 ml 150 .25
10 ml 200 .338
15 ml 300 .507
18 ml 360 .608
30 ml 600 1
1/4 oz 148 .25
1/2 oz 295 .5
1 oz 591 1
2 oz 1183 2
4 oz 2366 4
6 oz 3549 6
8 oz 4732 8
12 oz 7098 12
16 oz 9464 16
32 oz 18927 32
64 oz 37854